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Fitness Program


Welcome to my Fitness Program where I will design a customized fitness program to meet your specific fitness goals.  I will design a customized fitness program using progressive overload training.  No gym membership?  There are many options to where you want to train, at home, the gym, a park or hotel while traveling.  I  will customize this option for you as well. 

What is progressive overload weight training?   Progressive overload training is a type of strength training that involves gradually increasing the intensity or difficulty of workouts over time. It can promote the development of muscle mass and strength, in essence, help you to replace those stubborn fat cells with muscle.  The goal of this type of training is to maximize your fitness results by regularly challenging your body.

Weight Training using the progressive overload method typically involves choosing a goal, working out at a comfortable but challenging level, and then slowly increasing the intensity of the workouts over time. This may include decreasing rest periods or adding more weight, repetitions (reps), or sets.

The primary goal of progressive overload training is to avoid plateaus in muscle mass and strength. Progressive overload training helps prevent this by slowly increasing the intensity of workouts, which forces the body to adapt and allows for consistent progress. 

We will work together to design a safe and effective fitness plan to support your goals.

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