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Nutrition Plans

Welcome to Fitness and Nutrition Coaching with Stephanie!

My macro based nutritional coaching program is designed to help you discover how to fuel your body, not only for exercise, but for every day body function, by tracking or counting your macros.  It’s not about changing your diet, rather more about learning how to fuel your body to maximize its fat burning potential with foods that you love!  You will learn how to make lifestyle changes so you never feel like you are dieting again!  You will instead give your body what it needs to replace those stubborn fat cells with lean muscle mass giving you the physique that you desire.

What is macro tracking/counting? Macro tracking helps you understand where your calories are coming from and how they affect your body.  In addition, it helps you to understand that not all calories are created equal.  With macro tracking you will have a goal to reach each day for protein, fat and carbohydrate grams.  You will focus more on calorie quality.  This program allows you to pay more attention on how to fuel your body and how your body reacts to that fuel…FOOD and the right amount of each macronutrient!  Tracking macros will also help you to meet your fitness goals because you will be having greater satiety when you focus on eating to fuel your body.

Tracking macros is not a one-size-fits-all program, rather a “flexible” program since you’re eating food you enjoy without depriving your body.  The saying goes “IIFYM” or IF IT FITS YOUR MACROS, meaning you can eat or drink it as long as it fits in your macros.Technically there are no CHEAT foods while counting your macros, but you want to eat 80% of your macros clean because your body burns more and uses more energy to break down whole foods. Counting Macros will help you to not only keep your body satisfied, but help you to lose body fat, and gain or maintain lean muscle mass.

My macro based nutritional coaching program will help you to feel confident about macros and your new way of eating them.  With your program you will receive a custom nutrition plan designed specifically to your needs whether it’s to put on a few pounds and adding muscle mass, maintain your weight and muscle mass, or to lose weight while gaining muscle mass.  I will be there to work with you throughout your program and make adjustments as your body needs changes. I offer nutrition programs for modified eating such as vegan and vegetarian as well as safe and effective programs for specific medical considerations such as Hashimoto’s, hypothyroidism, menopause, PCOS, diabetic and adrenal fatigue.

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